Dallas/Fort Worth
Psychological Evaluations for Pain Management
Prior to the placement of a spinal cord stimulator or a pain pump as a tool to manage chronic pain, one of the most important steps to determining patient appropriateness is the completion of a psychological evaluation. Many insurance companies often require patients to complete a psychological screening by a licensed psychologist as part of a patient’s pre-surgical work up for medical clearance.
Many factors influencing positive patient outcomes, include: procedure knowledge and expectations, social supports, coping resources, current and previous pain management tools, and management of emotion related symptoms. Evaluations provide important treatment recommendations before or after the procedure based on test findings.
Testing results will be released to the referring
physician to assist with your pain management
Feel free to contact Dr. Gibson at 972-393-1596, Ext. 61 to talk more about your concerns surrounding a psychological evaluation. She will be happy to address any questions you may have.